
NEW PARISHIONERS — Bienvenidos nuevos parroquianos!!

Welcome!! Please call the parish office for a registration form. The same forms are availble in church after the Masses.  216.641.2829.

Bienvenidos … favor inscribirse en la parroquia.  Llamenos o platique con el Padre despues de la Misa Domincal.

PSR/Religious Education – Faith Formation for Children and Youth, including Sacramental Preparation for First Communion and Confirmation:

Sister Charlotte Hobelman, SND at the parish office.  216.641.2829.

CATECISMO para ninos, jovenes, los sacramentos:  Favor llamar Hermana Charlotte Hobelman — la  oficina parroquial al  216.641.2829.

Annointing of the Sick/Uncion de los Enfermos

Please call Father Callahan 216.641.2829.  Llamarle al Padre al 216.641.2829


Please have the funeral home contact Father Callahan for arrangements. 216.641.2829

Contactarse con el Padre al 216.641.2829.

Sacrament of Matrimony

Please call Father Callahan at least six months in advance of intended date.

Celebracion Del Matrimonio:

Favor de entenderse con el Padre Jose para informacion en cuanto a la  preparación pre-matrimonial.

Celebracion Del Bautismo:

Favor de entenderse con el Padre Jose para la información de los requisitos y la charla/platica pre-bautismal.

Office Manager:  Eileen M. Murray

Pastoral Minister:  Sister Carmen Hocevar, OSU

Pastoral Minister:  Sister Charlotte Hobelman, SND

Useful Links
Diocese of Cleveland

United States Conference of Bishops

Catholic Relief Services

Greater Cleveland Food Bank

Catholic Charities USA

Catholic Charities Diocese of Cleveland

Our Lady of Lourdes Cleveland Facebook Page