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Pre-Baptism Class-Sunday, February 2

The class is at Immaculate Heart of Mary. To register, call: 216-341-2734.

Feast of the Presentation of the Lord-Sunday, February 2
We will bless candles and have a procession at the beginning of Mass that day. The tradition is to bring candles from home that you want to be blessed. We will also have some available.

Our Lady of Lourdes Feast Day-Tuesday, February 11
We will celebrate the anointing of the Sick with the elderly and chronically infirm. We will have Mass that day at 4:00 PM in English and 7:00 PM in Spanish.

Sokol Dinner-Sunday, February 16

A duck, dumplings and sauerkraut dinner will be served at the Bohemian National Hall from 1:00 PM until 2:30 PM. Cost $22. Reservations required. Call Vlad Nemecek at 216-894-3591.

EOY Statements
Statements have been sent out. If you need one and did not receive one or have questions, please call the office at 216-641-2829.

Donation Envelopes
The envelopes are in the back of the church. Please sign up if yours are not there. To receive the envelopes, you must register in the parish. Registration forms are available at the ramp entrance of the church.

Food Pantry: 
The food pantry is in need of soups, stew, hot chocolate, shelf-safe milk, peanut butter and jelly, cold cereal, and juice. Thanks so very much! If you prefer to make monetary donation us the Solidarity envelope and specify FOOD PANTRY. Please keep in mind we do not accept shoes or clothing. Collection boxes will be available in the church. Thanks for your generosity! May Good bless you.

Lectors are always needed. Please consider participating in this important ministry in the new year. If you are interested, please call Sr. Carmen in the office on Fridays.

The Diocese of Cleveland’s “Protecting God’s Children” program is a continuing effort to instruct and inform everyone about the protection of children from sexual abuse. To report any past or present suspected inappropriate behavior toward children by priests, deacons, religious, lay ecclesial ministers or personnel associated with the Church, please contact the Diocesan Response Service Office : or at 216-334-2999. You are also asked to immediately inform local authorities about inappropriate behavior.

Online Giving
You can now make your offertory donation directly to our parish by clicking the online link here.  This is a secure, efficient way to support the parish. Please call Eileen in the office if you have any questions.

Bulletin ADS:
Thank You: This bulletin is furnished to the Parish without charge. Brian Marsh, representing our bulletin publisher, Diocesan, is currently seeking new advertisements. Support our parish while you promote your business in print and digitally through social media. Please contact Brian directly at 1-614-301-8651 to place an ad and for any questions about rates. Thanks to our advertisers and Diocesan, the bulletin is published weekly at no cost to the parish.

See Calendar page for a complete listing of upcoming events

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