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International Festival-Saturday, October 19
Raffle tickets are available after each Mass and in the Parish office. Let Betty Bican know if you are bringing prepared food or would like to collaborate with donations of soda or paper products. As always, desserts are needed.

Confirmation Classes & PSR Classes-October 23 and October 26
The next Confirmation class is on Wednesday, October 23th from 7:00-8:30 PM in the basement.  The next PSR class is Saturday, October 26 at 10:00 AM.  Classes are in the parish house.

All Saints Day Masses-Thursday, October 31
Mass is at 5:00 PM (English), Friday, November 1 at 7:00 PM (Spanish)

All Souls Mass: Saturday, November 2 at 7:00 PM (Bilingual).

Religious Education Registration
Religious education registration for PSR, Confirmation and adults needing sacraments is open. Please see Sr. Charlotte after Mass for the registration forms. Also, we need adult and youth volunteers to help with these programs. Please see Sr. Charlotte.

Food Pantry:
Please remember our neighbors in need. Donate non-perishable food and/or monetary funds as a special gift for our Emergency Food Pantry.  We are in need of mac & cheese, ramen noodles, soups, & shelf-safe milk. God is good to us all. Let us be good to each other. Collection boxes will be available in the church. Thanks for your generosity! May Good bless you.

Food Pantry Volunteers Needed – Wednesdays
Please consider helping on Wednesdays in our Food Pantry from 3:00 PM until 5:00 PM. Even an occasional commitment would be helpful. Thank you for your consideration. Let Sr. Carmen know if you are interested.

Lectors are always needed.  Please contact Sr. Carmen if you would like to become a part of this important ministry. Sr. Carmen is in the office on Fridays from 9 until 2 PM.

Online Giving
You can now make your offertory donation directly to our parish by clicking the online link here.  This is a secure, efficient way to support the parish. Please call Eileen in the office if you have any question.

Bulletin ADS:
Thank You: This bulletin is furnished to the Parish without charge. Brian Marsh, representing our bulletin publisher, Diocesan, is currently seeking new advertisements. Support our parish while you promote your business in print and digitally through social media. Please contact Brian directly at 1-614-301-8651 to place an ad and for any questions about rates. Thanks to our advertisers and Diocesan, the bulletin is published weekly at no cost to the parish.

See Calendar page for a complete listing of upcoming events

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