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5 May 2024

Dear parishioners and friends,

This first Sunday of May, we have the traditional May Crowning.  The month dedicated to our Blessed Mother is also the month of celebration of sacraments here at Our Lady of Lourdes.  This Wednesday, 8 May Bishop Malesic will be here for the celebration of the sacrament of Confirmation at 7:00 PM.  40 young people from eight parishes will be confirmed.  The parishes are:  Holy Spirit, Immaculate Heart of Mary, St. Agnes – Our Lady of Fatima, St. Emeric, St. Stanislaus, St. John Nepomucene, Our Lady of Peace, and Our Lady of Lourdes.  The names of the eighteen candidates from our parish are listed in the fourth column of this bulletin.   Please pray for them.  All are welcome to participate in the Mass and the reception in the school gymnasium after.

            The last two Sundays in May we will celebrate First Communions.  Several Baptisms are also scheduled for the month.   It is especially gratifying to have so many young parents that take seriously the faith formation of their children.  It is painful to think of how many children are denied the sacraments – the joy of the celebrations, and of course the grace received from the sacraments – because their parents do not see this as important.  Shame on them!  We pray for them as well! Congratulations children, youth, and parents celebrating these sacraments!

Sincerely, Father Joseph H. Callahan


 5 de mayo de 2024 

Queridos hermanos y hermanas,  

FELICIDADES – CONGRATULATIONS jovenes que se van a  confirmar el miercoles 3 de mayo!!:

Analia Alvarado

Julian Alvarado

Hernán Justin Bermúdez

Ian Giovanni Hernández-León

Jacqueline Huerta

Brisa Murillo Valadéz

Ángelo Giovani Palomino

Víctor Manuelle Pérez

Rodil Antonio Ramírez Merino

Allison Ramírez Zuñiga

Giovanni Gael Rico

Evelyn Camila Salcedo

Anthony Jesús Valadéz Contreras

William Arturo Villanueva

Wilver Osbaldo Villanueva

Bryan Villanueva

Danny Villanueva

Luis Ángel Villanueva

Atentatmente en Cristo, Pbro. Joseph Callahan


  1. Llenar la hoja de datos
  2. Traer copia del acta de nacimiento
  3. Traer copia del permiso del parroco si son de otra parroquia
  4. Participar en la platica pre-bautismal
  5. Seleccionar padrinos que son activos en la iglesia y comulgan con frecuencia porque pueden comulgar y entonces dan ejemplo para su ahijado
  6. Hablar con el Padre Jose para fijar la fecha del bautismo